Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wahoo! Deck On!!!

Clark came around to help Kelly and I get the top deck on. The planks and top deck go on much better with three people. Holding, clamping, mixing etc. Patrick took most of the pics tonight. The bow planks, side planks were all rough cut today. Front doublers made. Everything rough sanded then pre-coated in raw epoxy. Then thickened epoxy added to frame tops and king plank top. Bow planks went on reasonably well. Some screws did 'thread' themselves. Simply drilled new hole beside and inserted bigger screws. Kelly and Clark did a great job. Especially cleaning up the excess epoxy.
Hopefully tomorrow we will trim deck. I hope to flip boat upside down tomorrow evening. Pizza and beers at my house.

Deck dry fitted

Pre-coating underneath of deck

Is this epoxy glue or something else? Let me taste to make sure! Mmmm!

Spreading epoxy glue around

Deck going on

I is 'Sailor Boy' and 'Big Daddy'

A lot of bend on front deck plank. 

Really we are hot and bothered...

But we'll smile for your stupid photo!!

Wipping up excess epoxy glue.

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